
Indoor football (futsal) tournament regulars (2013-2017)

streda, 08.11.2017|Posledná aktualizácia 23.10.2019 20:15
Autor: UčPS tím, Spracoval: UčPS tím

Anglický preklad pravidiel futsalového turnaja a súťaží o kráľa strelcov na V. ročník Memoriálu Milana Hanzela.

Memorial Race for Milan Hanzel
Indoor football tournament

(Sports Hall "HANT Aréna", Bratislava)

Indoor football tournament regulars:

Sports discipline:

  • Indoor football
  • Number of teams: 9 (15 players)
  • Number of players of one team in field: 5 and 1 (goalkeeper)

Play ball:

  • Indoor football ball mark Select (size 4)

Toss up in groups:

  • Two preliminary groups A (4 teams), B (5 teams)
  • Last year final teams (of Slovak Prosecutors and of Executors), play not together in one group


  • Arbitrary (during game too) in area of bench
  • Goalkeeper may be changed after announcement and by interruption of the game (the play time is stopped)

Play time:

  • Preliminary groups - A (1x 20 minutes); B (1x 15 minutes)
  • Placing games - 2x 10 minutes
  • last 2 minutes with stopping time (by score different to 3 goals)
  • the arbiter may stop play time every when applicable from reasonable grounds (goalkeeper changing, medical care, ball change, ball out play field etc.)
  • game is playing without break time
  • intermission 5 minutes after first halftime, change of goalmouth
  • waiting time for rival 10 minutes after planning start of game, for team with default on field contumaciousness game result 0:3

Penalty for players:

  • yellow card = obligatory changing of punished player for 2 minutes ,
  • second yellow card in the same match = obligatory changing of punished player till do end of match (no red card)
  • red card (not after second yellow card) means for team 2 minutes without one player on field and for punished player next match stop
  • three yellow cards in tournament mean next match stop

Play of goalkeeper:

  • "back passing " to goalkeeper may get team-player like by football (pass by leg under knee the goalkeeper have not to play with hands)
  • number of passes to goalkeeper is not limited

Play with ball to game:

  • goalkeeper plays ball to game with hand
  • goalkeeper may fling ball into rival field (ball needs not fall before rivals field)
  • players are playing from outs and corners with foot from floor line
  • tolerant distance of ball from line is ± 10 cm; any part of support leg must touch of the touch line
  • by playing ball to game rival players have to be in distance 5 m from ball

Next regulars:

  • according official indoor football regulars (decide arbiters – indoor football specialists)
  • hyperlink to www.futsalbratislava.sk to regulars Pravidlá FUTSALU

King of kickers competition:

What is it:

  • shooting with standing ball from distance 8 m from goalmouth on goalkeeper

Who can do it:

  • 2 max 3 players from every team (only lawyer) eventual from dedans (only lawyer)

The main key:

  • In one round every shooter should shot once time
  • Successfully shooter is moving forward next round
  • Goal by prod is not valid
  • If is a success any shooter in one round will be execute this round with same shooters again
  • If are a success more than one shooter next round is forwarding
  • The winner of competition and king of the kickers is shooter who is a success in the last round


  • Goalkeeper have to stand at less 5 m from place of ball shot
  • Goalkeeper are changing in goalmouth after ever shot
  • Goalkeeper may not keep shot from his team player 
UčPS tím, Spracoval: UčPS tím
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